simple scheme that works for everyone

Lr Fast Track

Lr Fast Track Bonus for new and existing Lr Partners

Lr Fast Track

Fast Track Program is a unique offer for those of you reading this, if you do things right, you will qualify for the Fast Track program within the first 3 months, which will give you the opportunity to earn up to €12,000 in 12 months, plus profit margin. That’s right, as you climb up and become a Manager, you’ll be guaranteed €500 per month, and then when you’re a Junior Team Leader, you’ll be guaranteed €1000 each month.

It is a simple scheme that works for everyone, become a leader, generate large profits from your home with Aloe Vera Products sold online.

As you become a valuable Team Leader, your duty will be to motivate new members. You will be able to show them your new lifestyle and promise them that they can make it too. This way you will grow your team more and more, and everyone will get great benefits, especially you who will be the boss, and you will benefit from great passive income.

Each member you recruit will have the opportunity start Fast Track Program and to achieve the same as you, only a percentage of what they generate will go to you, in this way you will always remain at the top of the chain and as the undisputed leader of a profit network. incredible.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch right now and we’ll give you everything you need to get started. Remember, you don’t lose anything by registering, you can register completely free!

Lr Fast Track let you earn good money
Lr Fast Track Bonus is your first Lr Car


The Fast Track Program Bonus rewards members for a quick win and additional qualification for all 3 Fast Track levels. When a member achieves a FAST TRACK level during the first three months after enrollment and qualifies again in the following consecutive month, LR pays a guaranteed minimum bonus of up to €1,000*.

This means that regular bonuses on own and group sales are topped up to this amount. The Fast Track Bonus can be paid for a maximum period of up to twelve months. During Fast Track Program, the LR bonus is predictable. This additional security offers our partners a greater ability to further develop their structures in a sustainable way. The minimum bonus does not include the profit margin and the car bonus (depending on the country) – both are an extra!, if applicable.

* The minimum guaranteed bonus may vary from country to country.

In fact, all members can benefit from the new FAST TRACK Bonus! First, it makes business presentations much easier, as it is the first and most important bonus a new Partner needs to know about. Second, it secures a minimum bonus for a new qualified LR Partner.

The FAST TRACK Bonus will be limited until the end of 2024, for now. This means that Partners recruited in December 2024 will be the last to participate.

With the Lr Fast Track Program Bonus, it is possible to immediately tell a Member exactly what they can earn when they reaches the first career levels. This is the great advantage, since it can motivate new partners much more significantly and fully meets their expectations.

The FAST TRACK Bonus can replace explanations of differential bonuses and other bonuses in business presentations and can be explained in a very easy way throughout the career levels. The recruit thus fully concentrates on achieving the Fast track Program titles and learning about the other bonuses one after another. By inviting the partner to a start-up seminar or other academies, the learning of the rest of the career plan can be assured.

To participate, a New LR Partner needs to qualify for Fast Track Program level 1 or higher, during their first three months as a member, in addition to the month of enrollment.

For example, a Member enrolled on December 15. they has the possibility to qualify for level 1 until the end of March (enrollment month + 3) and benefit from the Fast Track Bonus.

If the recruit reaches at least FAST TRACK PROGRAM level 1 during the first three full months and confirms the qualification in the following consecutive month, LR guarantees a bonus of at least €250* for the two qualifying months. If they confirms this level consecutively in the following months up to 12 months including the first qualification, this minimum bonus will be paid in each of these months.

Fast Track Program Level 1 (Junior Manager title):
• 100 own points
• 4,000 total points
• 2 lines with 500 points each
• 2,000 points remaining if a line is 4,000 points or higher

If the Member develops further and reaches FAST TRACK level 2, they can earn a minimum bonus of €500* in that month and in subsequent consecutive qualifying months.

Fast Track Program Level 2 (Manager title):
• 100 own points
• 8,000 total points
• 2 lines with 500 points each
• 4,000 points remaining if a line is 4,000 points or higher

Upon reaching Level 3, they can earn a minimum bonus of €1,000* that month and in subsequent consecutive qualifying months.

Fast Track Program Level 3 (Junior Crew Chief title):
• 100 own points
• 12,000 total points
• 3 lines with 500 points each
• 4,000 points remaining if a line is 4,000 points or higher

After a successful qualification, the FAST TRACK Bonus is paid for the two months of qualification. The bonus will be paid with the bonus settlement of the second month of qualification for the two months.

If a member misses the Level 1 minimum within a month of first qualifying, the Fast Track ends and cannot be restarted at a later stage. The bonus is only paid when the qualification is achieved consecutively. Example:

Lr Fast Track Monthly Bonus

During the months of November through February, we added another limited “Qualification Level 4” with a minimum guaranteed bonus of €1,250. With “Level 4” you can now even get up to €15,000 in 12 months. Existing LR members will have the opportunity to re-qualify for the Fast Track Program Bonus and benefit from the ‘Tier 4 Promotion.* The guaranteed minimum income may vary from country to country.

In fact, all LR members benefit from the Fast Track Program Bonus promotion. New members and existing LR members can benefit from “Promotion Level 4” regardless of whether they are currently Fast Track or not.

The promotion starts with the bonus month of November and ends with the bonus month of February. Therefore, all Fast Track Program qualifiers during this period can benefit from the Fast Track Bonus promotion. Existing members can qualify during the months of November through February by following the logic outlined below.

To participate, a New LR Partner must qualify for the Fast Track Bonus as described above.
Upon reaching level 4, you can earn a minimum bonus of €1,250* in that month and in any other consecutive qualifying month.
Fast Track Program Level 4 (crew boss bonus title):

• 100 own points
• 16,000 total points
• 4 lines with 500 points each
• 4,000 points remaining if a line is 12,000 points or higher

As a member who signed up before November, you can also participate in the Fast Track Program. You must qualify for the next higher Fast Track level based on your performance between January and September.

If you are a maximum of 11% (up to 3,999 total points) during January and until September, you must reach Level 1 during the period from November to February and confirm this level in the next consecutive month.

If you are 14% (4,000 – 7,999 total points) maximum during January and until September, you must reach Level 2 during the period from November to February and confirm this level in the next consecutive month.

If you are a maximum of 16% (8,000 – 11,999 total points) during January and until September, you must reach Level 3 during the period from November to February and confirm this level in the next consecutive month.

If you were 21% with a maximum of 15,999 total points (12,000 – 15,999 total points) during January and until September, you must reach level 4 during the period of November until February and confirm this level in the next consecutive month. After a successful qualification, the Fast Track Program Bonus is paid for the two months of qualification. The bonus will be paid with the bonus settlement of the second month of qualification for the two months. If a member misses the Level 1 minimum within a month of first qualifying, the Fast Track ends and cannot be restarted at a later stage.

As a current Fast Track member, you can restart your Fast Track and benefit from “Promotion Level 4”. Same criteria apply as existing partners (see above). If the Fast Track program reset is unsuccessful, the current program continues as usual.

Example: Partner was 14% (4,000 – 7,999 total points) maximum during January through September, must reach Level 2 during the period November through February and confirm this level in the next consecutive month. The member is in the second month of the Fast Track.

Take Action with Fast Track

Returns that affect the number of points needed to earn the bonus will be taken into account. If there are returned products, this may affect the bonus payout. For this reason, it is recommended to calculate the necessary points with some extra margin.

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